Fair Housing Center Logo.
A cul-de-sac, seen from above during the winter.

Welcome In My BackYard (WIMBY)

Welcome In My BackYard is a pledge of respect, to help make visible the large number of people who believe in diversity and inclusion. Initially developed in 1994 with community members in response to hate crimes in Ann Arbor, we edited the original version and relaunched it in 2017 during a time of increased intolerance. We are not currently running this as a campaign (or action), but you are always encouraged to pledge.

The Pledge

I, who have signed below, affirm that I welcome people from all walks of life in my neighborhood and community, and value human diversity in all its forms. I cherish my right to live according to my own values and beliefs and respect the rights of others to do the same.

I am personally opposed to and will try to find ways to speak out against:

  • Housing discrimination and other forms of discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment), disability, familial status, marital status, age, source of income, student status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression;
  • Verbal and physical harassment and abuse of all kinds, especially against children;
  • Racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Islamic acts;
  • The “not in my backyard” attitude toward group homes, foster-care homes, shelters, and public, cooperative, and subsidized housing;
  • Ethnic intimidation;
  • Anti-immigration and anti-immigrant actions and prejudice;
  • Anti-gay, lesbian, and bisexual harassment and violence;
  • Anti-transgender and gender expression harassment and violence.

I recognize that I may also hold such prejudices and stereotypes of various kinds developed during my life. I will try to better understand and reverse such attitudes in order to ensure that I do not act upon them.

I also intend to exercise my rights of free speech and political expression by displaying the WIMBY sign in order to increase consciousness in my neighborhood and community about the principles of this pledge.

Share Your Commitment

We have downloadable WIMBY signs for you to display at your home or business. If you’ve signed the pledge, share a picture of yourself with the WIMBY logo and use the hashtag #fhcWIMBY on social media to spread awareness and support. We’d also love to hear from you, if you have two minutes, please answer a few questions and share your thoughts.

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